Thursday, February 14, 2008

why not a love revolution?

Okay lets talk about Valentines Day..
I hate it! It's the most pointless holiday EVER. Why should you only declare your love one day out of the year? Sure its cute when that boy gives you a flower or two but that should be everyday, i think us girls are worth it. That's right.
But anyways, why not have everyday be Valentines Day. We should love everyday. We can start a love revolution and love will be spread to everyone, everything, and everywhere. WE CAN ALL JUST LOVE AND GET NAKED. [haha -joke; well maybe not]

So everyone spread your love.. Not just today but everyday!
You can start the love revolution.

Yay to love! =]

1 comment:

rugs1044 said...

hahaha I don't like valentines day either. Its a way for girls to just get more shit they don't need and for businesses to make more money than they usually do! :)